Henry-新用户 $39.00 USD
有色镜片 - 灰色,可阻挡 99.4% 的紫外线, 将任何一副眼镜变成太阳镜
防蓝光镜片 - 过滤掉智能手机和电脑屏幕发出的有害蓝光,以保护您的视力,办公室人群的必备品
根据光线明暗变色镜片 - 采用数码保护材料制成的透明镜片,在阳光下会变暗,可阻挡 99.4% 的 UVA 和 UVB 射线
标准镜片 - 具有较高的透明度和色彩还原度,日常佩戴的必备单品
Order this frame without any lens fitted.
Filters out harmful digital light from digital screens.
Made of impact resistant quality polycarbonate.
Made of high index 1.67, thinner around the edges.
Made of blue-cut 1.60 index material.
Made of blue-cut high index 1.67 material.
Impact resistant high quality polycarbonate.
High index 1.67 high definition lens.
Made of high index 1.67 material.
Made of the thinnest and lightest high index 1.74 lens material.
Please upload your prescription as a PNG, JPG or PDF file.
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抛光离子镀钛工艺,坚固但重量轻,易于维护。 多次滚动和手工抛光,以确保质量达标。 经受15000次折叠测试的优质白铜铰链,闭合平稳顺畅。
镜框形状: 长方形 材质:醋酸纤维 镜框重量:19g 鼻托类型: 标准
1、眼镜要双手戴:这样可以防止眼镜受到不必要的损伤。不使用时,应将眼镜存放在适当的盒内,以防止接触硬物和日常配饰。 2、眼镜不宜放在高温处,以免损坏镜片。 3、建议的擦镜方法—先用干净的冷水冲洗掉镜头上的灰尘,然后用擦镜布顺方向擦拭。如果镜片上有油渍,可以用稀释的中性清洁剂清洗镜片,然后用清水冲洗干净。
If you’re constantly staring at phone/PC/TV screens.. like the most of us,This digital protection lens can help you relax your eyes.
Near and far visual areas designed for a natural transition provide a comfortable view at all times, reducing fatigue and eye pressure, for long lasting vision health.
Photochromic lenses change in colour automatically to adjust to different weather and UV intensity. Never be changing between glasses and sunglasses every again.
If your child has myopia, the Myopia Control lens can slow down deterioration of vision. If when wearing Myopia Control lenses for more than 12 hours a day, your child’s myopia develops by more than 0.50D in one year, we can update your lens prescription for free.
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