They're significantly lighter than any of my previous glasses. They look great!
But ultimately, the fit had a problem. They're good in the sense that I rarely have to adjust them after wearing them for a while - they stay in place well. The lenses do not touch my cheeks or eyelashes. The weight and the design of the nose pads made them wonderfully comfortable on my nose, but the arms are an absolute pain (literally).
Most glasses have a plastic or resin part molded around the back end of the part of the arms that go over the back of your ears. The wider and often smoother, rounded plastic distributes any clamping force on the sides of your head. Additionally, for the DIYer, they can be gently heated to adjust curvature for better fit. These glasses (Aura), however, have purely metal arms, from tip to end. While they look great and are nice and flexible so they can wrap around your head easily, the thinnest part around the area of the bend is what makes contact with my head. It feels extra painful since that thin piece of metal is pressing into both sides of my head. It would be more comfortable if the wider portion at the end extended before the bend. I've stuck on some of included nose piece foams at the ends to relieve some of the pressure.