
Returns and Warranty

Cancellation Policy

If your order is not yet processed, you can request a ‘refund’ in 'My account – My orders', where we can cancel your order and refund your money. Unfortunately, if your order has already been shipped with a tracking number when you wish to cancel, we cannot cancel the order directly. However, if you receive your NextPair and in any way are not happy, you can request a return, where shipping is also free. 

Return Policy

Since you probably wear your glasses for more than 18 hours a day, we want your glasses to be comfortable both on the eyes, and around your head. Just to make sure you’re happy, we provide a 30-day try-on period, during which you can choose to keep or return your glasses, free of charge.

Please kindly note that –

  • The NextPair return policy does not include brand lenses - Essilor, Transitions, Crizal, ZeissNextPair Premium.
  • Upon return, all gifts and affiliate commission associated with this order would also expect be returned or canceled.
  • Expedite shipping fees cannot be refunded as the shipping service paid for has already taken place.

Return Procedure

  1. Request a return in 'My Accounts – My Orders'
  2. We will deal with your request within 24 hours, and send you a prepaid shipping label to your account e-mail address
  3. Please ship out the returned products
  4. As soon as we receive your returned order, we will refund your order in your NextPair account within 2 business day. The time it then takes for the refund to reach your bank account depends on the payment method.

Lifetime Warranty

All products purchased from the NextPair official website are warranted for life.

This policy covers any issues resulting from manufacturing defects, including both lens and frame, where we will repair your product free of charge. This warranty however, does not cover normal wear, or damages caused by misuse of the product. 

Request a Repair

If you reach any quality problems during the lifetime of your NextPairs, please let us know at, and our customer service will be right there to sort it out. Please be sure to include your contact details, order number, description of your request, and a photo where the defect is clearly visible. For all requests we will get back to you within 24 hours.

Contact Us

Call: +86 18916905510

Returns FAQs

Q: Once I refund or return my order, how long is the turnaround?

A: As soon as we receive your returned order, we will refund your order in your NextPair account within 2 business day. The time it then takes for the refund to reach your bank account depends on the payment method. 

Q: Do I need to pay for return shipping?

A: At NextPair, return shipping is free. If you would like to return your order, simply request a return in 'My account – My orders', and expect to receive a prepaid shipping label which you can return though USPS. 

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